Let’s Say That

1 min readMar 9, 2021

Let’s say you don’t miss me, And definitely you don’t want me to.

Let’s not ask for any memory replay, and definitely not any more coffees.

Let’s not say you carry my picture, and definitely no more feelings.

Let’s say you have another woman, and obviously she has a pretty smile.

Let’s not play hide and seek, and definitely no more in the blanket.

Let’s say my curves are not really soothing , and no more eye pleasing.

My words are not rhyming today, cause it is not a poem but a heartache.

A good-bye letter sounds bad , and it is only making me sad.

My words are rhyming again , May be I have finally overcome the pain.

I think, we should finally get our ways back , And your T-shirts I have already placed in the rack.

Those letters you can throw anyway, there are no words coming in your way.

They are rhyming as a heartache.


